High levels of carbon monoxide, mould found in homes on Ontario reserves: study – CTV News [2023-12-28]

A study has found air inside homes on four remote First Nations in northwestern Ontario contained carbon monoxide, fine particles, mould and other substances that increase the risk of respiratory infections. The report’s author, David Miller, a distinguished research professor at Carleton University, says […]

Housing first: The case for social prescribing of housing in emergency departments – Healthy Debate [2023-10-03]

The past decade in Canada has seen a material escalation in visible homelessness. With a highly financialized housing market driving housing unaffordability and escalating inflation putting pressure on mortgages, rents and food, the crisis of homelessness has continued to worsen. This has resulted in […]

Fail fast— make corrections— move forward: Mayor Morgan’s unvarnished take on rollout of homelessness strategy – CTV News [2023-08-23]

Some frank talk by London Mayor Josh Morgan may be aimed at managing community expectations for London’s upcoming Whole of Community Response to Homelessness ahead of a series of public meetings. On Wednesday, Morgan co-hosted a session in front of the Association of Municipalities […]

‘This is an investment’: City staff justify London, Ont. homeless hubs plan – Global News [2023-07-19]

City councillors will debate the much-talked-about hub implementation plan to address London’s growing homelessness crisis in a special committee meeting next week. A 46-page report details the steps taken so far, including community engagement, and what immediate steps are needed next, including a request […]