Just four organizations bid to operate London’s first homeless hubs – CTV News [2023-09-06]

Council’s options may be limited when they choose locations and lead agencies to operate the first low-barrier service hubs for Londoners experiencing homelessness.

According to a publicly available list posted on city hall’s Bids and Tenders website, nine organizations participated in a Request for Proposals (RFP) process— but only four submitted a bid.

Agencies that are bidders:

  •  London Health Sciences Centre
  •  CMHA Thames Valley- Addiction and Mental Health Services
  •  Atlohsa Family Healing Services
  •  Youth Opportunities Unlimited

The RFP closed at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept, 5.

After initially participating in the RFP process, Ark Aid Street Mission decided not to submit a bid.

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CTV News
September 6, 2023