Fail fast— make corrections— move forward: Mayor Morgan’s unvarnished take on rollout of homelessness strategy – CTV News [2023-08-23]

Some frank talk by London Mayor Josh Morgan may be aimed at managing community expectations for London’s upcoming Whole of Community Response to Homelessness ahead of a series of public meetings.

On Wednesday, Morgan co-hosted a session in front of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) conference, along with Kingston Mayor Bryan Paterson, about their communities’ similar homeless strategies that combine low-barrier service hubs and supportive housing units.

Morgan acknowledged the political courage of city council to back a strategy that is still evolving.

“We have to accept that we are playing a game that’s never been played before,” admitted Morgan in a matter-of-fact tone. “That means we are going to make a mistake. And we are going to get criticized, fairly heavily at times, for that mistake.”

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CTV News
August 23, 2023